Hmm...I see my absence from the blogging world has created quite a stir, eh? Well, being a regular reader of this page, I'm sure you'd understand how much I need to struggle to even be online from college. First n foremost, the incessant power cuts. And then to top it, there's slow connection speed. It becomes quite a herculean task to keep my page updated. Ask my girlfriend, the co-contributor of this page, and she'll tell you how much she needs to nag me to write her a single mail, even if it is once in every 3 months!! I know it's shameful...but then, that's how life's been with me, I guess!!
Anyways, enough of preamble. I guess it's high time I get you all filled up on how the past month has been, in my life. Seriously, I still sometimes wonder that why would someone ever wish to know about my life. But then I feel, what the heck, I've always been writing about myself out here. This very page is all about me. And yet, I do receive a few comments. I'm sure someone out there would always wish to know a li'l about me. This very thought always keeps me writing. :-P
February 23rd - 28th, 2007 had been exam time for me. It was my mid-semesters for the 6th sem. I ain't sure how I'm gonna fare, but just hope that it won't be too bad a news when the results get declared :-P.
And now, comes the best part of it! March 4th, 2007 was
Holi, this year. It was just by sheer chance that I had the opportunity to have a li'l telephonic conversation with Priyam,
Sakshi's best friend. It was her who got me all worked up to visit Delhi on Holi, so that I could spend a li'l time with
Sakshi. It'd, anyways, been months since I'd last met her. Within a day, things got all finalised and I was all raring to go. I left Jamshedpur on March 2nd, 2007, by Purushottam Express and I was in New Delhi by next morning, about 7 a.m. We met up, had a good time & then I was back to Jamshedpur by the 5th. Here is where I am posting a few pics from my journey. By the way, sorry for eating into your bandwidth. I did wanted to put up a
Flickr Badge onto my page, but somehow, after I shifted to the new
Blogger, it simply refuses to work, dunno why. I did try to check out the forums, but all in vain. Hope you do bear with me.
That's Anshuman (left) & 2 juniors, before boarding Pushottam, around 6 a.m.

That's the couple for you, Sakshi & Shayon.
That was the hotel room where I spent my night.
Just a top view of New Delhi Station
That's mah buddy, Mehul, applying transparent nail polish,
while getting ready to play Holi ;-)
That's Me n Mehul, after we played Holi at Priyam's place.
Me n Sakshi. So, how do we look together?? ;-)
This one's cute....me with Arushi, Sakshi's sis.
Me, Sakshi, Arushi & Priyam, the host of the party on Holi
These were the number of sticks I fagged while I was in my hotel room :-P
Now this was my prize pic - T.T. collecting money for
alloting a berth to the guy in red shirt ;-)
I found this one too daring....sleeping quite peacefully on the connectors
of two coaches! What do you think?
Do they give a concession for this kinda berth?
Uhh...just two of my co-passengers!! ;-)
I wish Mr. Laloo Prasad Yadav read my blogs. Then I could've asked
him how he thinks one might use the flush!!
Now this is the ultimate example of an Indian woman.
What a dedicated wife she is, doncha think so? ;-)Well, that is all from the whole journey from Jamshedpur to Delhi & back. Even after I was back at college, life's been pretty much on a roll! ;-) Had been playing
DotA all day long with Arun & Suman (buddies in college), even went out to play other clans, watched loads of movies & clicked quite a few pics. Here come some more of them!!
This one's my fav, though it's quite a familiar scene, isn't it?
That's me having food in one of the bastis within our college campus. Actually, it'd been too late when I realised I won't get any more food in the mess but was too hungry :-P
Arun Dhar & Me, sleeping in the same bed, on one of several nights ;-)
Suman Samanta, Abhishek Karmakar & Chiranjit Ghosh (l - r)
in Regent, one of only two 3 star hotels in Jamshedpur!!
That's Dhar, trying to drive an auto ;-)
Tired me & Suman, the philosopher
This was taken by Dhar, all unwarranted, while I was having a good, relaxed smoke in Dipayan's room, during one of innumerable power cuts!!That is it for now. Anyways, I think this post has become quite a collage now. I hope I'm forgiven, now, for not being able to write anything for over a month now. Oh, by the way, we have our college Cultural Fest (Utkarsh) & Technical Fest (Pravaah) coming up in a week. It's gonna be a huge affair, trust me. If you think you can make it to Jamshedpur, Do lemme know. I'll get all the arrangements done. As for the websites, I'll get them posted as soon as I can manage.
So long for now! It's become a huge post, now. I'd like to sign off. It's past 4:30 in the morning, now & I'm certainly pretty sleepy. Hope to write again, soon. Till then, Sayonara!!!