How To Advertise For Your Blog Effectively? - The Solutions

If you are a regular at Shayon's Labyrinth, you shall remember that I'd written a post yesterday on how to advertise for your blog effectively where I had debated on the issue of whether one should put up advertisements that link to separate blog posts or to the whole site in itself. I had also promised to come out with the final solution today. Hence, here's the final verdict of the debate.

The Verdict
  • Always make provisions for navigating to important pages of your website from any other page.
  • If possible, put up excerpts of recent comments at the sidebar so that a reader can always learn about the current buzz on your blog.
  • Set up a "related posts" section below every post so that a reader can navigate to other pages that might interest him.
  • Ditto about the above for your feeds as well.
  • Also, set up a "most popular posts" widget at the sidebar. Showcasing those posts just might help you in developing a loyal reader. Remember, those posts had become popular because they were good and your readers appreciated them.
  • If possible, post your RSS link in every article that gets popular.
  • Keep linking to other articles in your site, frequently.
  • Keep rotating the graphic you use for advertisements, link to the best of your posts.
  • There must be provision for your readers to contact you. Contact forms are very official-looking & turn quite a few readers away. Email addresses are so much nicer. It shows that you trust your readers.
  • Last, but never the least, always advertise on the sites of your own genre / niche.
I hope these posts helped you a bit in deciding on which route to take while advertising. Do let me know your take on the issue or if there are more points that you can come up with.

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