.....For me its holds my dreams.. and a chance that yeah.. my dreams would come true one day....!!!
Maktub..... its an Arabic word which literally means - "That which is written". We often talk about future & destiny.. and then link up our life to it.. actually, not often, we happen to link up our future and our present with the past.. thanks to our neighbourhood astrologer. But ultimately what's written, is written.. and nobody.. neither you, nor me, can change it.
Ofcourse...ofcourse, there are not one but thousands of remedies.. and "pujas" that can be performed so that whatever wrong, that is being written by the planets, can be sorted out.
Its one of the most ironic posts that I'm writing... coz I believe in astrology n all... its just a hobby... but yeah, it does have an effect on you...its an area wherein, even if you are a non-believer.. you are intrigued enough to step into it. And if you are lucky, you normally get to know that all the things and the positions of the planets are in your favour.... or else.. you had done something so wrong in your previous life that you are being punished by the planets in your present life.
Inspiration for this blog - His Highness Mr Sayantan Pal... pretty recently he visited the astrologer and the astro gave him lots to think over... ofcourse, whatever was said to him was backed up by two stones studded in rings to be worn. Sayantan tried really hard to brush aside all that was said.. coz he hardly believes in the astrology shit... but from that day onwards there is something he keeps thinkin about.
Everybody - plants and animals come with a destiny that has been written for them by "The Almighty". And that destiny becomes the ultimate goal of that person...or thing. Everything that has ever been created has a destiny to fulfill it... and that destiny.. no one but He who has written it.. knows.
Then why do we want to know the future....??? So that we can change it... nah... futures are revealed by God under extraordinary circumstances... coz those are the futures that God wants us to alter by altering our present. Otherwise.. whatever your astrologer has told you is nothing but guesses that are being made by reading the omes that are all around us.
Our future is moulded by the present that we live in... and our present is the future that we moulded out of our past. Life goes on.. because God always shows you the way to your Ultimate destiny - The role...the life for which you had been made. No future is bad... no destiny is unlucky.. beacuse whatever He does.. he always does for the betterment of His children.